Burnett Heads - 2023


For many years the Lighthouse Festival has been a main stay in Burnett Heads. Originally developed as a way to promote and develop local talent and businesses, the event grew to be loved by many. Unfortunately though, like most good things, it came to an end in 2021. However in 2022 we introducing a new event. COTA or Celebration of the Arts. Not to be confused with the Council of the Aging, our event is here to celebrate art in all the forms it takes. With 2022 seeing events just throughout October, 2023 has seen the program expand with Workshops commencing in July, right through to our Art Exhibition in Octber.  We also see the return of Flickerfest and a few new events adding to our huge line up this year.  Keep an eye on this website as our events list expands over the next few months.


Art & Photography Exhibition 2023

Burnett Heads Community Hall
27 & 28 October 2023.
Opening Night Drinks & Canapes Event – Thursday 26 October

The Burnett Heads Art & Photography Exhibition has developed a reputation for being well organised and easy for artists and photographers to display their work – and for the audience to enjoy it. The exhibition has been extremely popular in Burnett Heads with over 160 pieces of Art in the last show. In 2023, thanks to the help of the Lighthouse Hotel Community Raffles & Australia Post, we expect it will be even bigger offering the crowd plenty of wonderful works to admire.


As part of the Burnett Heads Progress and Sports Association 2023 Art and Photography Show, the Progress Association proposes including a local School Art Project.

Entries will be displayed as part of the Art Show.

This will be a pilot program for an annual perpetual trophy to be held by the winner.


Entries are to take the form of a sculpture using at least some found and recycled materials depicting the Art Show theme each year.

The 2023 theme is River/Land/Sea.

It has been determined that the 2023 School Art Project will be for students from local schools.

The following schools have been identified as the most appropriate schools covering the criteria of river/land/sea and invited to undertake this inaugural prize competition:

  • Burnett Heads Primary School
  • Bargara Primary School
  • Elliott Heads Primary School
  • Wongarra Primary School
  • Kalkie Primary School



  1. Sculpture created by students using at least some found/recycled resources.
  2. The sculpture is to depict one or more aspects of the 2023 Art Show Theme of River/Land/Sea.
  3. The sculpture must weigh no more than 10kgs.
  4. To ensure transparent judging the name of the school is not to be included in or on the sculpture.
  5. Entries to be delivered to the Community Hall on a date in October 2023, which is yet to be determined. Each entry is to be accompanied by a short statement about the sculpture and its creation.
  6. Judging will be based on creativity, how well the sculpture represents the theme and the use of found/recycled items. Judges will be provided with a copy of the statement. Judges will be individuals with no connection to any of the schools.
  7. Schools will be provided with a solid wooden tray to be used as a base for the sculpture



Barb Kruger – Ph 0412 635 199

Gayle Mason – Ph 0401 538 019

Email: burnettheadsprogress@yahoo.com.au

The Celebration of the Arts is brought to you by

Thanks also to the Baguette Ladies, Steve Burdee & Daniel Walshaw




Contact Us

Please feel welcome to get in touch with us no matter what aspect of the festival your enquiry relates to.

Burnett Heads Progress & Sports Association Incorporated

P.O Box 9041, Burnett Heads QLD 4670

By Email: burnettheadsprogress@yahoo.com.au




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